Friday Harbor Wolverines Quinn Bune, Megan Cuomo, William King, Taylor Molloy, Tyler McKee and Riley Rousar compete in the District golf tournament May 13 at North Bellingham.
Twenty male golfers and eight female golfers will advance to the Tri-District tournament on May 18 at Eagles Pride in Tacoma. Coach Jack Rice talked with about his team’s prospects.
Cuomo: “Megan is our shining star. She’s having a good season. She averages in the high 80s and she has an excellent chance go all the way to State. She’s finished sixth at State last year and ninth the year before, and I expect she’ll do at least that well this year.”
McKee: “He can shoot 73 one day and 89 the next. I’d like to see him play really well. I think it will be a cakewalk for him through the first phase here. There’s a good chance he will play at Tri-District.”
Bune: “He has the potential to make it to Tri-District.”
King and Molloy: “Both have the game. It’s whether they can pull it out in a moment.”
Rousar: “I’m really pleased with Riley. He’s figuring the game out. One day he can shoot 55, one day 45. He knows how to do it. It’s about him having the confidence that he can do it all the time.”
Overall: “The team had some really good players the last four years, and not all of these kids got a lot of chance to play. We’re in a rebuilding mode. It’s going to take a while for them to get tournament tough. We’re starting from a big deficit, but we’re making good headway.”