Dear fellow Bernie Sanders supporters,
I’m not going to tell you to vote for Hillary Clinton. I do, however, want to encourage you to support progressive candidates and measures up and down the ballot. In terms of your vote for POTUS, in my view, there are two solid options; 1) you can vote for the most progressive major party platform in the history of the United States by casting your vote for Hillary Clinton or 2) you can vote to move away from the two party system by voting for Jill Stein and helping her reach 5% of the popular vote, the milestone set by the Federal Election Commission to be eligible for the Presidential Election Campaign Fund’s grant, which could amount to $10 million for the Green Party in 2020. I know not everyone will agree with me on this, and that’s fine, but while I do encourage progressives in battleground states to vote for Hillary Clinton, I believe those in strong blue states, such as Washington State, can safely consider other options. However you decide to vote in the presidential race, Clinton or Stein, you can feel good at the end of the day having put your vote to good use. But there are a lot of other reasons to get out the vote this election cycle. In Washington, candidates such as Governor Inslee and Senator Murray, while not perfect, are leaps and bounds better than their republican opponents. I have had the opportunity to personally meet some fantastic candidates in the past few months including Cyrus Habib who is running for Lieutenant Governor, Hillary Franz for Public Lands Commissioner and Tina Podlodowski for Secretary of State. Believe me, we are very fortunate in Washington State to have such a talented pool of candidates to vote for. We also have a lot of exciting measures on the ballot. I-1433 would give all workers the opportunity to earn paid sick and safe leave and raise the state minimum wage to $13.50, while also allowing counties and cities – like Seattle and Tacoma – to pass stronger measures. I-735 puts our state on the record calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution clarifying that corporations are not people, money is not speech, and political donations should be disclosed. I-1464 seeks to limit big money in politics and create a public financing system. These and other measures and candidates make it extremely important that we get out the vote this election cycle. You can make a difference. Please join me by helping inform your progressive friends and relatives and encouraging them to mail in their ballot before November 8th.
Learner Limbach, Orcas Central Precinct Committee Officer, 2016 Bernie Sanders Delegate and DNC Platform Committee Member,