Vote for the Fire Levy Lift – the risk is too great not to | Letter

When life throws us a major curve, what do we do? Call 911.

In response to dialing these three nubmers a well—oiled machine of professional rsponders is set into motion 0 Fire and Rescue, EMS or the Sheriff’s Office. In many cases, all three respond. This island is fortunate to have, and expect, such professionals to assest us in times of crisis.

However, there is a looming problem. One of these agencies, Fire and Rescue, (Fire District 3) is running low on oil (money) which allows it to operate as its efficient best. This Nov. 5 ballot, Fire and Rescue (Fire District 3) is requesting a levy increase.

1963 was the lasst time Fire District 3 requested and had approved a levy increase of $1.42 per $1,000. Sixty-one years later, 2024, the requested increase is $0.70 per $1,000.

Since 1963, San Juan Island’s full-time population has increased four fold. The “snow-bird” and tourist population has grown exponentially. Land mass served by Fire District 3 has also grown. It now serves San Juan, Brown, Stuart, Spieden, Henery and Pearl Islands.

Also, approximately 15 years ago, when the Friday Harbor Fire Department was no longer economically feasible, Fire District 3 absorbed Friday Harbor’s needs by contract. Approxmately five years ago, Friday Harbor was annexed into Fire District 3.

Growth, inflation and the Tim Eyeman inistiative, with its unintended consequence, have drastically eaten away at the revenue side of the ledger with the real possibility of increased fire/disaster insurance rates for citizens and businesses alike.

The fire district’s administration adn your elected Fire District 3 Commissioners have been cutting costs as much as possible to maintain, at the barest minimum the coverage the community needs and expects. Cuts ahve been initiated including no longer empoying an Assistant Fire Chief, not filling positions of two ful-time firefighters who chose to leave, decreasing staff benefits, as well as important business contracts. In the words of Commissioner Warren Appleton, “we are now at the end of our rope.”

Why this levy Life? To achieve and amintain the well-oiled machine our islands deserve.

Please vote for the Fire District 3 Levy Lift Nov. 5. The risk is too great not to move forward

Dwight Colley

Chair/ Board of Commissioners

SJI Fire District 3