One of the best statements we’ve heard going into the general election season came from the most unlikely of places.
Scott Bell, announcer at the annual Zucchini 500 at the San Juan County Fair, opened the event Saturday with this observation: Strip away the politics, and we’ve got a pretty cool community made up of pretty cool people.
Take that thought with you as we go into the general election campaign. The primary campaign, particularly in the sheriff’s race, was acrimonious. Ditto in the races for Congress and U.S. Senate. Sure, ambition is a part of a candidate’s makeup. But for the most part, strip away the politics and what you have are individuals who have ideas about how our community, region and state can be better places in which to live and work.
Here’s our advice to voters: Make candidates stay on topic and make them keep it clean. Demand details. For example, you’re going to hear from some candidates that government must save more and spend less; ask for the candidates to elaborate on how that can be accomplished.
Review each candidate’s background, experience and record. Review each candidate’s issues and priorities. Read the Q&As. Attend the candidate forums and ask questions.
The general election is Nov. 2. Among our many decisions is choosing the first new sheriff in 24 years. Make sure your vote is an educated one.