Orcas Women Coalition endorses Christine Minney | Guest column

Submitted by Christine Minney for San Juan County Council

The Orcas Women’s Coalition announced their endorsement of Christine Minney for San Juan County Council (District No. 1, San Juan Island seat). Minney went through the OWC endorsement process and attended two ZOOM teleconference interviews with members.

In an email to OWC members shared with Minney, they reported, “The strong majority of votes submitted were in support of endorsing Christine Minney for San Juan County Council (San Juan Island seat).”

Minney said, “I am grateful for the opportunity to have met so many engaged and committed women who are members of OWC. The participating members asked direct and serious questions on many issues facing our island’s communities.”

The Orcas Women’s Coalition is a vibrant, energetic network of women and transgender people on Orcas Island, working together to create positive change through progressive reform. We believe in social justice, a healthy environment, healthcare for all, and upholding the Constitution.

For more information on the OWC, go to www.orcaswomenscoalition.org.

Minney was born and raised in the great Pacific Northwest. She has lived in the San Juan Islands since moving here in early 1996. She and her husband Patrick are successful owners and operators of the iconic Ernie’s Café, located at the Friday Harbor Airport. As a parent who raised her family here and a small business owner, Minney will bring my experience and core values to help guide our County in providing critical, compassionate services to our parents, workers and residents. Minney said, “We will work together to ensure the economic health and environmental stability we need for all islanders.”

For more information about Christine Minney, please go to www.christine4council.org.