Mindy Kayl running as write-in candidate for District 2 | Guest column

Submitted by Kayl for Council

“As a World and community, we are facing unforeseeable economic and environmental challenges. It is a time like no other for us to come together and utilize what resources, skills and abilities we have to build a more sustainable network of support to ensure that the people and the environment are protected and thriving into the future,” – Mindy Kayl.

As a resident of the San Juan Islands for over 30 years, Mindy Kayl is dedicated to the wellbeing of the community and the preservation of the environment. Both action-driven and a strong community volunteer, Kayl has the ability to work devotedly and cooperatively to meet important goals that have everyone’s wellbeing in mind. Kayl has worked for the community as a Volunteer Board Member of the Eastsound Plan Review Committee (acted as chair for two years), she was elected Freeholder as part of the original Charter Process, and served on the San Juan Preservation Trust Board. She organized and prepared a monthly senior dinner program and was a key voice in initiating the movement of the Food Bank to the current location. As a farmer and business owner, Kayl understands the need for fiscal responsibility, resource planning and hard work. She has been a resident in SJC for the past 30 years and in 1997 bought the 10 acres here on Orcas Island where she has built her homestead. Kayl is deeply committed to the environment and the community working to protect it. She holds a BA in Journalism from Eastern Washington University, a minor in Biology and a postgraduate certificate from the University of Victoria in Ecological Restoration and she is a member of the Society of Wetlands Scientists.

With sincere commitment to nurturing the island’s youth, she has spent time working as a substitute teacher, Funhouse Mentor and offered free cedar basket weaving workshops. She shared a summer as a crew leader for the OIYCC and has been a dedicated 4-H volunteer for over 15 years. Kayl’s professional life has included successful cooperation and completed contracts with: the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Antarctic Support Associates, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Ecology, the United States Forest Service, Washington State Department of Transportation, San Juan County Public Works and Planning Department.

This will be a WRITE-IN vote for San Juan County Council, District 2, MindyKayl is challenging Rick Hughes (incumbent), Cindy Wolf and Michael Durland. If you decide to vote for Mindy Kayl you will need to write her name in on the blank line beneath the other candidates on your ballot