The school district facilities need attention. The roof at the elementary school leaks, the heating and ventilation systems need work and floor coverings are worn. Windows need to be replaced, electrical systems refurbished and technology systems upgraded.
The capital and technology levy voted in four years ago ends in December of this year. We need to replace this funding to keep our public schools safe and operational.
The school district is asking for an increase in the amount of the levy that is being replaced because costs are going up all the time.
As a property owner, I’d rather pay now for these repairs than pay more later for even bigger problems. Let’s keep our public schools in proper condition. It just makes sense.
The bottom line is this: the money being asked for is needed. It is the responsibility of all property owners, whether you live here or not, to support our public facilities. Please join me and others in voting “Yes” for our school levy.
Bill Cumming
San Juan Island