Fall is in the air, the throngs of tourists are beginning to thin, and the children are back in school. For those of us who live here full time,it’s time to take stock in what makes San Juan Island such a desirable place to live. We are a vibrant community, at least in part, becausewe invest in one another.
Some of the youngest members in our community need our help, and therefore we are turning to San Juan Island. Unfortunately, the statedoes not provide an adequate funding level for schools. This is a complaint made every year, and not surprisingly, some people tire ofhearing it. But the state has done little to improve school funding, and therefore we turn to the larger community to help fund ouryoungest members.
There are so many important community needs for funding. But in our generosity, let’s remember our children. San Juan County has thehighest education level of any Washington county. Clearly, we value education because we know its power and the human potential that itcan unleash. It’s in our interest to provide the highest-quality schools. The next generation of students will shape the future—they will beour physicians, our engineers, our librarians, our researchers, our artists, and our political leaders.
The San Juan Public Schools Foundation is a group of volunteer community leaders and parents whose sole purpose is to raise money forour schools. Our funds buy new textbooks, art supplies, musical equipment and math and science materials that the state does not payfor. Last year, we raised over $100,000 for K-12, and this year we hope to earn even more. We do this in two primary ways.
First, the foundation sponsors an annual phone-a-thon, which this year will be held on Monday and Tuesday, October 17 and 18. Whenwe call, we encourage you to give as generously as you are able. All donations are genuinely appreciated.
Second, our local business partners kindly donate to the foundation, and in return we include their advertisement in our school directory(and encourage our students’ families to use their services).
We believe that excellent schools benefit the entire community. Working together, we can make our schools not just excellent, butexceptional.
The San Juan Public School Foundation