We would like to urge our fellow San Juan Islanders to support Rick Hughes for the county council position from Orcas Island. Rickconsistently sees the big picture and seeks what is best for our county as a whole.
We first met Rick as the organizer and principal sponsor of the Orcas Island Cider and Mead Festival, an event he shepherded and builtuntil it now thrives each year. Rick worked hard to locate and entice both commercial and amateur cider makers, and even bought all theleftovers at wholesale prices, so we didn’t have to haul product home. He eventually sold that extra cider at Ray’s Pharmacy, but in themeantime had to put up with it filling up his back spaces – perhaps not a good business plan but a great one for community service.
One of the best things about Rick Hughes is his creativity in coming up with new ways to take advantage of San Juan County’s uniqueassets, such as branding island products with “Island Made.” This encourages economic growth in something beyond tourism, whilesimultaneously taking advantage of the focus our visitors have on island products and experiences. What’s impressive here is that hiscreativity is complemented by careful study and analysis to turn ideas into practical realities. Rick Hughes is just the type of person weneed on county council, and we urge you to vote for him.
Suzy and Hawk Pingree
Friday Harbor