Support Greg Hertel for Port Commission
Greg Hertel and his wife Lunnette have been my landlords for almost nine years. We live across the driveway from each other so we know each other fairly well. When I first moved in my space was rather small, but I loved the little cottage. A couple days later Greg and Lunnette asked me up to their house to have coffee and told me that he was planning on expanding my living space and building an art studio for me! It brought me to tears I was so grateful. He also built a deck right outside the sliding glass doors overlooking the Alder forest!
Whenever I have a problem concerning my cottage he is right there to fix it. The man is extremely versatile and has many talents one of which is his thirst for knowledge. Before he fixes or builds anything he researches it and finds the best way to accomplish his goal. Why do I feel so confident in supporting Greg for Port Commissioner? His integrity and his experience.
Vivien Burnett
San Juan Island
Ideas for Washington State Ferries
Two ideas that I would like to see implemented to accommodate ferry users are:
1. Contract with private carriers to provide passenger-only service to and from Bellingham and/or Anacortes. Two round trips every day during the peak season.
2. Enhance the “Ferry Alert” system to provide real-time information regarding schedule changes and allow reservation holders to arrive 30 minutes before the “actual” sailing time, not the “published” sailing time. The fundamentals are in place to do this.
Time for action rather than excuses!
Herb Ershig
Friday Harbor