Thanks for your editorial about the “superdelagates” needing to listen to the voters of Washington, who have voted 70 percent for Bernie Statewide, and almost 80 percent in San Juan County. I think the problem is that Hillary is primarily about “me, me, me”, and getting an inauguration party for herself, like her husband had. Her self-righteous behavior is a turnoff for many people, let alone her support for wars, the ridiculously expensive Republican/compromise Insurance-based medical care system, and other policies that make her the best Republican candidate out there. I feel she should start by coming clean about the death of her law firm buddy and white house “aide,” Vince Foster, whose death from multiple gunshots to the head was called a suicide, after the body was apparently dragged out of the White house to a park. (Editor’s note: According to the Washington Post, “Special counsel Robert B. Fiske Jr. concluded that Foster’s death in Fort Marcy Park last July was a suicide. The Fiske investigation involved four lawyers, five physicians, seven FBI agents, approximately 125 witnesses; and multiple tests.” Alternative news sources and blogs have made his death a subject of conspiracy theories.)
If Rick Larsen, Governor Inslee and the rest of the Congressional Delegation cannot get behind the inspirational candidate who would make a great president, they will need to find other work.
Jay S Wakefield
San Juan Island