It has become a tradition here at the Journal and the Sounder to share anonymous submissions of what community members are grateful for each year. We are always thankful for you, our readers and supporters!
Below is a list of what some of our readers are thankful for:
• Thankful to wake up each day and have clean water to drink and power to fuel a hot shower.
• My health and my kids and family.
• A network of island friends who have my back unconditionally.
• In a year that has been nationally marked by conflict, mistrust and anger, I am particularly grateful to live in a community surrounded by people who care for each other and care about the world. I am grateful for completing a year free of the cancer that claimed my right breast and for the wonderful group of fellow survivors I have come to know. I am thankful for a skilled and compassionate team of caregivers; of island friends who have willingly cared for my kitty when I was away, and for me when I was in need. I am thankful for the privilege of working with people who care about their craft, their community and each other. I am profoundly grateful for my family, who continue to surprise me with their generosity of spirit. I am thankful for the opportunity to grow old (gracefully or not) and for the opportunity to give back to a community I’m grateful to call home.
• This last year has had its ups and downs, just as every year usually does. As it nears its end, I’m thankful for my family, the healing and growing that has come; my pets, constant companions in my life; my friends, old and new; my partner, who makes me so happy I can hardly stand it; my health; and my job, which is filled with the best people I’ve ever known.
• I am thankful that the Orcas Choral Society exists. It is definitely a caring family, and nothing beats being a part of a cohesive team to create uplifting, joyous music.
• Chocolate. My family. Nice boots. Warm puppies.
• I am thankful my aging mom lives in a community that is caring and supportive as I live far away. Thank you Orcas!
• I’m grateful for all the unconditional love, positivity and support that exists within my family, and the way we all come together and embrace change with open hearts.
• I’m thankful to live in a place where I really notice when the sun shines. I’m thankful to live in a community where people know my name, but not everything about me. I’m thankful to live in a place where the wildlife looks at me as if to say ‘what are you doing here in my neighborhood?’. I’m thankful for people who see me for who I am, and appreciate me as a worthwhile, lovable, imperfect human doing my best to navigate this crazy path called life. I’m thankful for all the beauty that comes into my life when I open my heart to allow it in.