Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, recently lost longtime residents, a loving couple, Sue and Dick Rich.
Sue, a devoted wife and mother born Jan. 28, 1937, passed away in peace with her family at her side on Jan. 25, 2019. Always cheerful and kind, she was very active in the Friday Harbor Garden Club, Presbyterian Church and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She considered herself one of the first groupies of several bands that Dick played in!
Dick, born Feb. 26, 1936, passed on April 12, 2019, peacefully with family alongside. Always on a task of mathematical analysis, he also volunteered time doing Tuesday-morning radio checks at San Juan County, many hours with several bands including San Juan Jazz Quintet and gave love and cookies to any doggie that was within his reach. He was always kind, gentle, patient and had a quick wit. Anyone stopping by the office, Dick would stop what he was doing and spend time for an enjoyable visit. He was a principled man who was generous toward his friends and those he worked with.
Sue and Dick loved their family and spoke often of how proud they were of their accomplishments.
Surviving family members include daughter Robin Rich Weber (Dave); son Robert Rich (Dixie); grandchildren Christopher Weber (Michaela) and Anne Kohart (Steve); and great-granddaughters Grace and Emeline Kohart
Their family plans to have a celebration of life mid-summer in Friday Harbor. Memorials may be made to the Friday Harbor Garden Club or the Animal Protection Society.