Our beloved mother, wife, grandmother and friend Cynnie passed peacefully in her sleep early on Sunday, two weeks after suffering a severe head injury in a fall.
We had enough time in the hospital for her children and grandchildren to gather and hold her hand, tell stories, sing some of her favorite songs and say the usual things; we believe that until very near the end she recognized each of us, and that even on the last day she recognized the love.
Cynnie leaves behind a legacy of joy, laughter, adventure and generosity of spirit, as well as a gigantic hole in our hearts.
There will be some kind of celebration of her life, details to be shared when we have them. One way we ask you to celebrate her life today. If there is someone you love whom you have not told recently, please tell them now. Not this evening, not when you see them later; right now.
We are so very grateful for the outpouring of love, prayer and encouragement from all our family and friends.