Two new board members for San Juan Community Home Trust

Sharon Pigman and Charles Richardson were elected to the board of directors of the San Juan Community Home Trust on July 16, bringing the total number of directors to 11.

Sharon Pigman and Charles Richardson were elected to the board of directors of the San Juan Community Home Trust on July 16, bringing the total number of directors to 11.

They were elected at a regular meeting of the board and will stand for election by the membership at the annual membership meeting later this fall.

Pigman is currently employed as a life and health insurance agent for Swanberg/Judkins Insurance, Inc. She was a founding board member of the Northern Communities Land Trust in Duluth, Minn. She is a board member of Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor.

Richardson recently moved to the island from a coastal community in California. A self-taught student of sustainable building models, he believes that we must be aware of resource use and environmental impact in any efforts to increase our housing stock.