Town’s centennial kicks off Aug. 13 at fair

Friday Harbor’s year-long Centennial Celebration begins Aug. 13 at the San Juan County Fair.

Friday Harbor’s year-long Centennial Celebration begins Aug. 13 at the San Juan County Fair.

The town was incorporated Feb. 9, 1909.

Festivities will kick-off at the fair and conclude one year later at the 2009 fair. Here’s a list of currently sanctioned first-quarter events.

n Aug. 13-16: San Juan County Fair Centennial Booth, sponsored by Kevin and Ann Peterson.

n Aug. 13: Public Art Mural begins, sponsored by Chinmayo and Beth Spadafora.

Centennial Calendar available, sponsored by the Lions.

Centennial T-shirts available, sponsored by Joe Friday’s.

n Sept. 12-13: Beard Grow-ing Contest begins, sponsored by Island Rec.

n Sept. 20: Community Photo, sponsored by Debbie Emery and Kelley Balcomb-Bartok.

n Oct. 4: Historic Friday Harbor Walking Tours begin, every Saturday, sponsored by the Town

n Oct. 5: High School Scavenger Hunt, sponsored by Mary Kate Panaro and the Friday Harbor High School Student Body.

The Centennial Committee meets once a month to review submitted sanction event forms. To submit your idea, visit, print out a sanction event form and turn it in to Town Clerk Amy Taylor at Town Hall.