Town seeks ‘For’ and ‘Against’ statements for Renewal of Transportation Sales Tax

Submitted by the Town of Friday Harbor

The Town of Friday Harbor is seeking volunteers to serve on advocacy committees to write “for” and “against” statements regarding the proposed renewal of the Town’s two-tenths of one percent (0.2%) sales and use tax to support transportation improvements in the Town (known as a transportation benefit tax). On Monday, Aug. 5, at noon, at a Special Meeting called for this purpose, the Town Council will consider Resolution No. 2880 to place on the November ballot a measure to renew the transportation benefit tax for an additional ten years.

Funding from this tax is used to support transportation projects where state or federal funding falls short, such as resurfacing streets, completing sidewalks, or adding lighted crosswalks for pedestrian safety. This tax generates approximately $400,000 per year, has been in place since approved by Town voters in 2014, and is due to expire at the end of this year.

If you are interested in serving on either of the advocacy committees please contact Town Clerk Jennifer Krembs at 360-378-2810 or as soon as possible. The Town must submit the names of the committee members to the County Elections office by Tuesday, August 6. Each committee may have up to three members, though members may seek the advice of any number of people to assist in developing their statements.

The “for” and “against” statements are due by Aug. 13 and will appear in the Voter’s Guide for the upcoming November 2024 General Election.