Town offers $7,500 in matching funds for Food Bank donations in November

Submitted by the Town of Friday Harbor.

Donations made in November to the Town of Friday Harbor’s “Harbor Life Ring” utility assistance fund will be matched up to a total of $7,500 and forwarded to the Friday Harbor Food Bank. This is an increase in matching funds from the previous year.

“Last year this generous community answered the call by exceeding our $5,000 match! So, we’re following your lead by increasing our match to $7,500,” reports Town Administrator Denice Kulseth.

Anyone may donate by stopping in at Town Hall. Utility customers may donate by marking the Harbor Life Ring line item on their bills. All donations received by November 30th will go to the Food Bank.

Now in its twelfth year, the Town’s annual November donation drive helps the Food Bank provide for island families during the holiday season when the need threatens to outweigh the supply. Last year, citizens broke past records by donating $7,810. With Town matching funds, this brought the total donation to $12,810. Food Bank manager Rachelle Radonski said this significantly improved their ability to offer fresh vegetables and protein. The Food Bank is funded entirely through donations and spends $13,000 each month to serve over 1,200 households on the island.

The Harbor Life Ring program was established in 2013 to assist families in need of financial relief on their Town utility bills. The program is funded through donations that Town customers add to their monthly bill payments