Three candidates for Town Council vacancy; appointment expected on Thursday

Three candidates have filed for appointment to the Town Council position vacated by Christopher Wolf, who resigned to teach in Qatar. The council expects to discuss and make the appointment Thursday at its noon meeting, according to its agenda.

Three candidates have filed for appointment to the Friday Harbor Town Council position vacated by Christopher Wolf, who resigned to teach in Qatar.

The council expects to discuss and make the appointment Thursday at its noon meeting, according to its agenda.

Noel Monin, a San Juan County Fire District 3 captain and town planning commissioner, was the first to apply for the position. He is a resident of Carter Avenue.

Clinton Mills, a chemical dependency counselor at Allied Counseling Services on Argyle Avenue, applied for the position May 27. He lives on McDonald Street.

Felix Menjivar, a resident of Kelsando Circle and a San Juan County Sheriff’s deputy since 2003, applied today.

The application deadline is today. The person appointed to the vacancy will have to run in the upcoming election to complete the term, which ends Dec. 31, 2011. In an earlier story, County Elections Supervisor Doris Schaller said the position would be on the Aug. 18 primary election ballot.

The Town Council is a legislative body. Council members adopt resolutions and ordinances, approve changes in zoning, make policy and approve the budget. Council members are paid $85 per meeting for up to four meetings per month. That’s $340 a month, $4,080 a year.