Tagged toilet, secret spoiler, helped hiker | San Juan County Sheriff’s Log

The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office responded to the following calls.

July 17

• A Lopez deputy took possession of lost property turned in by an individual.

• A deputy responded to a report of a vehicle prowl on Orcas after a person reported their cell phone was taken from their vehicle. A potential suspect was identified, and the case is ongoing.

• On San Juan, a deputy took a report of possible theft after a person called to say they believed something may have been stolen from their truck. The caller also admitted that the missing object might have been left behind elsewhere.

• Lopez deputies responded to a family disturbance with Lopez Fire & EMS.

July 18

• A San Juan deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle because they had a suspended driver’s license. The driver was issued two citations: one for driving with a suspended license – Third degree; the other for not having insurance.

• A deputy stopped a driver and issued them a citation for speeding 35 mph in a posted 25 mph zone on Fisherman Bay Road on Lopez.

• A Lopez deputy took possession of lost property turned in by an individual.

• Deputies stopped a driver traveling 68 mph in a posted 35 mph zone on Lopez and issued them a citation for speeding.

July 19

• An Orcas deputy responded to and documented a civil call.

• A deputy responded to a report of a hit-and-run in Friday Harbor after a person called to say their vehicle was struck while parked in a local parking lot; the damage appeared minimal.

• Deputies responded to a possible trespasser. A representative from a business in Friday Harbor called about someone who had been storing items on the property and was, apparently, also sleeping there. That person was contacted and served with a trespass warning letter.

• A deputy on Orcas responded to a report of a missing motor vehicle at the ferry landing. The owner was off the island for a few weeks and when they returned the vehicle was gone. The deputy entered the vehicle as stolen; there were no suspects at the time.

July 20

• A San Juan resident called to report that a neighbor (unknown) was dumping yard waste into the Salish Sea. The caller said they would attempt to solve the issue by identifying the littering party through their homeowners association before a law enforcement investigation commenced, which would lead to fines from the Department of Ecology.

• A San Juan deputy took a report of a theft at a Friday Harbor business. The deputy located and arrested the suspect, and the case was forwarded to the prosecuting attorney’s office.

July 21

• A deputy and EMS retrieved an injured hiker from a Lopez beachside cliff.

• A deputy on San Juan responded to a report of theft from a store. The individual was seen on camera stealing an item of clothing.

July 22

• On Orcas, a deputy responded to and documented a report of a suspicious vessel near Obstruction Pass after finding the vessel unoccupied.

• A deputy on Orcas responded to a found property complaint and booked the property into evidence.

• Lopez deputies responded to a trespassing complaint and found the person in question to be an authorized property caretaker.

• Lopez deputies responded to a sinking vessel near Swift’s Bay. Good Samaritans rescued the vessel operator before the deputies’ arrival. Deputies then transported the person to shore, where he was treated by Lopez EMS.

• An Orcas deputy took a report of alleged threats.

• A Washington State Parks Ranger, Orcas Fire and Rescue, and a Sheriff’s deputy responded to a report of an overdose. The juvenile victim was transported to the hospital via air ambulance.

• A deputy on Orcas is assisting Adult Protective Services with a financial exploitation investigation.

July 23

• A deputy and Lopez Fire & EMS were dispatched to an accident with injury; the injured bicyclist was airlifted to a higher level of care.

• An Orcas deputy responded to a report of vandalism to the public restroom at the Village Green.

• After deputies responded to a report of an abandoned vehicle, and had it towed from the area.

• An Orcas deputy responded to a citizen-assist call.

• Deputies on San Juan responded to a disturbance onboard a state ferry. An intoxicated male had been causing a problem, continually moving around the car decks and trying to hide under cars. Once deputies located the gentleman, they removed him from the ferry.