Charlie Wiggins, who is running against Justice Richard Sanders for election to the Supreme Court, will visit Friday Harbor on June 5.
You can meet Wiggins and join him for refreshments from 9-10:30 a.m. at Friday Harbor House, San Juan Meeting Room, 130 West St.
Wiggins has 34 years of experience as a lawyer, primarily handling appeals. He has served as a Court of Appeals judge, and as a Superior Court judge pro tem in Jefferson and King counties.
“We are very fortunate to have a state Supreme Court candidate visit Friday Harbor,” Prosecuting Attorney Randall K. Gaylord said in a press release. “I encourage folks to take a few moments from their morning to stop by and meet Charlie.”
According to the announcement of Wiggins’ visit:
— He has never been charged with an ethical violation, and has
served as a disciplinary hearing officer and chairman of the Bar Association Disciplinary Board.
— He has represented all types of clients on both sides of almost every issue. “Charlie has no agenda but to reflect the constitution
and laws of the state without bias or prejudice.
— “Charlie has worked diligently to protect the courts from the influence of large special-interest money, lobbying to extend
campaign finance limits to judges, for a recusal rule, and for public
— He has been rated as Exceptionally Well Qualified by the King County Bar, the Latina/o Bar, and the Loren Miller Bar, and Well Qualified by the Washington Association of Prosecutors.
Wiggins’ endorsements include 57 current and retired judges, and 30
elected prosecutors. For more information about his background, visit or e-mail Barbara Chadwick at