Submitted by Soroptomist International of Friday Harbor
Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor is pleased to announce its 2020 educational award winners.
The Live Your Dream Award, a worldwide signature Soroptimist program, is given to a woman who is the primary wage earner in her household and enrolled in an undergraduate degree or vocational skills program. This year’s recipient is Maricela Lomeli. Maricela is studying to become a limited licensed legal technician and wants to work in the field of criminal justice to help those who need assistance.
The Fellowship Award is for a woman who is returning to college for post-graduate study leading to an advanced degree to enhance her business or profession. Soroptimists were able to give out two Fellowship Awards this year thanks to an anonymous donor. The recipients are Danielle Niichel who is earning her master’s degree in social work and Alexis Aydelotte who is earning a master’s degree in history. Danielle’s goal is to pass the exam for a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and be a therapist on the island with an emphasis on working with children. Alexis is a journalist and educator whose goal is to pursue solutions-based journalism that is rooted in historical accuracy.
The Educational Opportunity Award, which is for a woman enrolled in an undergraduate degree or vocational skills program, goes to Ashwini Bartolucci who is studying for her degree in International Relations with a minor in Spanish. Ashwini’s career goal is to work for UNICEF and help with food distribution on a global scale.
These awards are possible due to the generosity of community members and local businesses who support Soroptimist fundraising projects.
To learn more about the local Soroptimist club, visit their website at