San Juan Public Meetings | July 9

Meetings happening on San Juan.


• San Juan Island Fire District Commission, 3 p.m., headquarters fire station on Mullis Street.


• San Juan County Ferry Advisory Committee, 8:30-10:30 a.m., in the Large Conference Room of the Legislative Building, 55 Second St., Friday Harbor.

• San Juan County Fair Board, 8:45 a.m., Fair Administration Office on the fairgrounds.

• San Juan County Council staff meeting, 10 a.m., County Legislative Building, 55 Second St., Friday Harbor.


• San Juan County Council regular meeting, 10 a.m., County Legislative Building, 55 Second St., Friday Harbor.

• San Juan Island Library Board of Trustees, 6 p.m., San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard St.

July 17

• San Juan County Parks Board, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Shaw County Park, Shaw Island. Open forum. Director’s report. Budget work session.

July 18

• Friday Harbor Centennial Advisory Committee, noon, Town Hall Council Chambers. Final meeting prior to centennial kickoff.

July 25

• San Juan County Veterans’ Advisory Board, noon to 2 p.m., in the Large Conference Room, Legislative Building, 55 Second St., Friday Harbor.