Did you know that out of 39 counties in the state of Washington, only seven have a Home Rule Charter including San Juan County?
The county charter is like our constitution and specifies how our county conducts its business. Every 10 years our county reviews our charter and suggests amendments. These amendments are put to a public vote. San Juan County will vote on these amendments at the election in November.
San Juan Island Grange #966 is sponsoring a public conversation for citizens to learn about the amendments proposed by the CRC. It will be a panel discussion with time for Q&A after each amendment discussion. Grange members are asked to stay at the end to discuss which amendments the Grange should endorse.
The meeting will be held online from 6:30-7:45 p.m., on Monday, Aug. 30. Visit https://utampa.zoom.us/j/97996914262? pwd=cnVrbSsvZ3pZQXRGSnZYRlJ6L1pMQT09Or click San Juan County Grange’s Facebook page to join.