Drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians who use Tucker Avenue will enjoy a safer and better
quality roadway by mid-summer. The Town of Friday Harbor is scheduled to begin
major improvements on Phase One of this project, starting Tuesday, May 10th, which
will include an upgrade of utility lines, road resurfacing, and the addition of bike lanes
and sidewalks from Guard Street to Harbor Street. This project will improve utility
service in the area, significantly upgrade the roadway surface, and enhance pedestrian
and bicycle safety on this heavily trafficked road.
The Town has mailed notices to property owners in the area with a request that
landlords forward the information to their renters and property managers. The Town
wants to ensure all those directly affected by the project have received notice of the
Contractors are being asked to expedite the project with as little traffic disruption as
possible; however road closures and detours will be unavoidable. The public is asked to
exercise patience and to make every effort to be respectful of neighborhood residents
when using detours in the area.
Information and updates on the project will be posted as often as possible. Questions
can be directed to the on-site Project Manager or Town Hall.