Submitted by the San Juan Island School District
On Tuesday, Dec. 17 the San Juan Island School District Board of Directors will hold a regular (open) School Board Meeting at 5:00 pm at the high school library.
Please note that there is not an option to attend this meeting remotely. Persons with disabilities and those who may have difficulty physically attending the board meeting are encouraged to contact the school district office at 360-378-4133 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so that we can arrange for your participation. Please also note that effective June 30, 2024, all regular and special meetings of the board at which a final action is taken or formal public testimony is accepted, except executive sessions or emergency meetings, will be audio recorded and such recordings will be maintained for at least one year.
At the regular (open) meeting public comments will be heard. Those interested in making a public comment will be called upon one at a time during the Public Comment section at the beginning of the meeting. The Board will not respond to comments. At the end of the Public Comment section, members of the board may ask the superintendent to review a matter, or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda.
Please see the agenda below, or access BoardDocs from our website at (then locate the BoardDocs School Board agenda access).
Or go straight to the agenda at:
This is a quick look at the board agenda for your convenience.Please be aware that the agenda could change prior to the board meeting.
Regular (Open) Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 17, 5 p.m. at the high school library.