Submitted by the Port of Friday Harbor
Port of Friday Harbor commissioners will meet at 4 p.m., Wednesday, March 22 at Ernie’s Cafe.
Meeting Agenda
1. Citizen comments/requests: For items not on the agenda citizens can make a brief
presentation and ask the Commission to schedule a topic for discussion at a future meeting.
2. Action Items:
A. Discuss and possibly approve action regarding proposed Whale Protection Zone
B. Approve Third Amendment to Four Ladies, Inc. lease
C. Approve Washington Tourism Alliance pa1ticipation
D. Approve Settlement Agreement for former employee Ted Fitzgerald
3. Discussion Items:
A. Business Moorage Policy and Liveaboard Policy update
B. Financial Review (unaudited)
4. Regular Business
A. Approve minutes for March 1, 2017 Special Meeting (Note: Minutes are kept at the
Port Office and on the Port’s website:
B. Approve vouchers and payroll.
C. Administrative Items
5. Staff Reports
6. Port Commissioner Issues and Committee Reports
7. Additional citizen comments/requests.
8. Adjourn