Trial is expected to begin Sept. 15 in Superior Court for Robert Benedict, who is charged with vehicular manslaughter in a fatal crash March 5, 2007 near Cattle Point Estates.
The San Juan County Sheriff’s Department reported responding to these calls.
Friday Harbor High School graduating senior Wynn Barnard has received a Sullivan Leadership Award to attend Seattle University.
The Tulalip Tribes Foundation has donated $5,000 to the United Way of San Juan County.
The San Juan County Fair Board has asked the county to consider an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that would reclassify the fairgrounds property, allowing additional new activities to occur.
Thursday — County Councilman Bob Myhr, 4-5:30 p.m., Lopez Island Library. Discussion of local and county issues, including County Charter implementation status, Lopez Village UGA and parking, Odlin Park South, Fisherman Bay Road Plan, ferries, and other current issues.
The San Juan Island Community Foundation is accepting proposals for its 2008 grant cycle.
County Councilman Kevin Ranker has emerged the top choice of Democratic Party precinct committee officers in his bid for state Senate.
When a batch of cookies sparks a bidding war and sells for $325, things are going well. About 300 people…
Mark your calendar and spin a globe.
Diesel prices have passed the $5 mark. The price of regular gas, as of Friday, neared the mid-$4 mark. But you won’t hear a gripe from Brad Pillow of Friday Harbor, especially since it only costs him 31.71 to fill ’er up.
Gone is half the athletic program’s budget. Gone is the Primary Intervention Program for at-risk elementary school students. Gone is the food service program for every student. Gone are teachers’ aides, secretarial jobs and custodians.
Pedal for the Planet is a bike-to-school day event that promotes the bicycle as a healthy, fun and environmentally sustainable alternative to the automobile.