Oregon woman, 29, drowns in Deer Harbor hot tub

About one hour elapsed between the time a Portland-area resident was last seen alive and well, and when she was found unconscious in a hot tub at a home on the westside of Orcas Island in mid-afternoon.

A 29-year-old Oregon woman died of an apparent drowning in a hot tub at a Deer Harbor home, Tuesday, in mid-afternoon.

Sheriff’s deputies, emergency medical personnel and firefighters responded to the westside Orcas Island home after receiving an emergency call at about 3:15 p.m.

The woman, a Portland-area resident vacationing on the island with a friend at the time, was unconscious and unresponsive when the team of public safety personnel arrived at the scene.

According to the San Juan County Sheriff’s Department, the person that made the emergency call immediately began trying to revive the woman, without success, after pulling her out of the hot tub. Emergency personnel were unable to resuscitate the woman after they arrived as well, the Sheriff’s Department said.

The 29-year-old woman is the second person to die of drowning in the San Juans in the last two months. Emergency medical responders were unable to revive an 88-year-old man after the vehicle he and two family members were traveling in accidentally hurtled forward from a driveway and plunged into a pond in the backyard of their San Juan Island home in mid-July.

Deputy Prosecutor Amy Vira of the county prosecuting attorney’s office, which doubles as county coroner, said the woman was alone in the hot tub at the time she was found unconscious by a friend. About one hour had elapsed since she was last seen alive and well in the hot tub, according to Vira.

Local officials declined to identify the deceased pending notification of family members. Vira said the family has had complications in notifying siblings of the deceased.

Vira said that drowning is the official cause of the woman’s death, however, she noted that other circumstances may have contributed to the drowning death of a 29-year-old relaxing in a hot tub in the middle of the afternoon.

The death remains under investigation by the county coroner, sheriff’s office and the Snohomish County Medical Examiner.

— Scott Rasmussen