OPALCO’s spirit of innovation was recognized this week as the Co-op was awarded a $1 million grid modernization grant by the Washington Clean Energy Fund (CEF). OPALCO is the smallest utility to ever receive a CEF grant. Other recipients include Avista, Seattle City Light, Snohomish County Public Utility District and Energy Northwest.
The award was announced Monday, by Gov. Jay Inslee, with U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwel, at the Northwest Regional Clean Energy Innovation Partnership Workshop hosted by the University of Washington and the Pacific Northwest National Lab.
The grant will help fund integration of a .5 MW vanadium flow battery into OPALCO’s grid, to condition and time-shift community solar array output, improve load shape, absorb sudden spikes in energy demand, and backup critical substation and fiber optic systems. This will help the co-op save money and improve grid reliability.
“With these awards, our leading utilities will demonstrate how to integrate battery storage with solar energy and stand-alone energy systems, train the workforce to build and maintain these systems, and lead the industry into the clean energy future,” Inslee said.
The Clean Energy Fund strengthens Washington’s position at the forefront of a clean, low-carbon energy future. Through the fund, the state invests in technologies that save energy, cut costs, reduce emissions and create good-paying jobs.
“This storage project is the next in a strong track record of innovation that started back in 1937, with the formation of the co-op,” said OPALCO’s General Manager Foster Hildreth.
“I am very proud of our team as they continue to build the energy and information grid of the 21st century.”
Project planning is in process now for a Co-op owned community solar site with the integrated battery storage system. Installation and commissioning of this system will likely occur in 2018, following OPALCO’s major submarine cable replacement project completion.
To get updates on this project—and to keep informed on all of OPALCO’s work—please subscribe to the Co-op Connector monthly newsletter www.opalco.com/newsroom/email-newsletter-sign-up.
Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO) is our member-owned cooperative electric utility, serving more than 11,000 members on 20 islands in San Juan County. OPALCO provides electricity that is 95% greenhouse-gas free and is generated predominantly by hydroelectric plants. OPALCO was founded in 1937.