LWV Observer Corps notes

Submitted by the League of Women Voters Observer Corps.

League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to aid public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.

Friday Harbor Town Council regular meeting of Oct. 3

Mayor Ray Jackson proclaimed October Domestic Violence Awareness Month and presented the proclamation to the director of Safe San Juans.

The town continued the public hearing on accessory dwelling units. The planning director went over proposed changes in code to bring the town into compliance with new state law to allow detached accessory dwelling units (ADU). The changes will be done in several ordinances and public hearings in the next few months. The Council approved an ordinance amending land use tables and a second addressing the regulation of water, sewer and garbage services and setting connection fees for ADUs.

The Economic Development Commission gave the annual presentation on the past year’s activities. Business support programs help businesses connect to resources for financing, permitting and other issues. They reached out to 69 businesses owned by Spanish speakers in the county. They listed the training that they do in trades, marine services, and computer and technical skills. They will participate in upcoming high school career fairs promoting trades. They thanked the town for its longtime support and requested $59k in 2025, the same as in 2024.

The finance director gave a rundown of the 2025 budgeting process. On Oct. 17, they will do budget amendments for 2024 and set 2025 utility rates. On Nov. 7, they will do the revenue portion of the budget and expenditures on Nov. 14. Early December will be the final budget updates with a goal of passing the budget by Dec. 31. Depending on the labor negotiation process, they may need a special session to pass the budget in the final week of the year.

The planning director gave an overview of the upcoming Comprehensive Plan Update that will take place in 2025. The process will kick off at the Oct. 17 meeting with a presentation of the Land Capacity Analysis. The Town will need to expand the Urban Growth Area in accordance with the agreement with the county for 60% of the expected population growth to be housed in the UGA.

The town supervisor reported that the town got a 21% discount on insurance rates due to their solid safety record. Labor negotiations are ongoing. They did not get the state loan for the water treatment plant but will apply again and seek a county public facilities grant. She is meeting with the state Department of Commerce and hopes to go to bid for the wastewater treatment plant by year end. The public works director reported that the Marguerite Street project had completed all underground work and was on schedule for an end-of-October completion.

SJI Fire District regular meeting of Oct. 8

The Commissioners approved a press release to the Journal of the San Juans with some background, history and facts regarding the upcoming Fire District Levy Lid Lift. Commissioner Colley had sent two pieces to the Journal that he expected would be published soon.

During a public hearing on the preliminary 2025 budget the commissioners approved a resolution to authorize the allowed levy increase of 1.887% and to prepare a certification for the approved increase. The Chief reviewed the preliminary draft budget with the commissioners. The budget includes increases in some line items and decreases in others. It includes an increased match for deferred compensation, which the department has in lieu of Social Security, and for increased training. The capital budget includes line items to strengthen stocks on outer islands.

The commissioners decided to add to a future agenda discussing possibly rejoining the Social Security system in the future. The commissioners approved a resolution on petty cash and other routine financial designation. They approved a financial services agreement with a contractor managing junior taxing district matters. They approved an interim agreement with the Fire Marshall to process county burn permits while a new agreement is negotiated to address some issues in the current agreement.

The Chief reported that he had met with Confidence Foundation regarding the Fire District’s application for a grant for the fire boat and some other department needs. They have been assisting the contractor doing well sampling at Station 63. There were two fire callouts in the last month, one at White Point Road and one at Skefford. Both fires were contained, and no one was injured.

The commissioners agreed to a request to add a public comment opportunity at the end of meetings as well as the beginning.