San Juan Island Fitness, in cooperation with the local PTAs, is presenting “Kids Night Out” Nov. 15, beginning at 5 p.m., at the fitness center.
Cost is $7 per person.
Elementary school (grades 2-5) will enjoy swimming, court games, barbecued hot dogs and cheese sandwiches from 5-7 p.m.
From 7:15-9:15 p.m., middle school-age children can enjoy swimming, court games, including a racquetball clinic and refreshments.
High school-age teens will start the fun at 9:30 and go until 11:30. They’ll enjoy swimming, court games, including racquetball, as well as hot tub and refreshments. All swims are supervised by a certified lifeguard; remember to bring your tennis shoes.
A portion of the proceeds go to the respective school PTA. For more information, call 378-4449 or visit