Learn to reduce wasted electricity

In recognition of National Energy Awareness Month, Orcas Power and Light Cooperative is teaming up with local libraries in presenting a series of workshops in October to help members learn how to whittled down electrical waste and monthly bills with a Kill-a-Watt meter.

Nearly every home is haunted by “phantom electrical loads” that ratchet up electrical bills and drain power from the grid. Tell-tale signs of these phantom loads are easily seen at night, with colored lights aglow on computers, game systems, household appliances and electronic-device chargers.

But there is a solution.

In recognition of National Energy Awareness Month, Orcas Power and Light Cooperative is teaming up with local libraries in presenting a series of workshops in October to help members learn how to whittled down electrical waste and monthly bills with a Kill-a-Watt meter.

The workshops are free, and OPALCO will have Kill-a-Watt meters available at each library that can be checked out and used at home.

San Juan Island Library’s workshop is Friday, Oct. 26, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. For more info, contact OPALCO, (360) 376-3537.