Learn about the Fire Levy Lift Oct. 17

Submitted by the

Let’s talk about it. JOIN US on Oct. 17, 6 p.m. at the Grange, for a full discussion of WHY, HOW, and WHAT.

Without the passage of the levy, our safety and protection will be compromised. John McDowell, volunteer and member of the levy support team, offered “We must restore our Fire Department to adequate funding levels. The SJI Fire District #3 has not requested a levy adjustment in 61 years. The services the Fire Department provides are essential to the health of our Island.”

There has been no levy adjustment since 1963.

Dwight Colley, Chair of SJI Fire Commission Board, said “Growth, inflation, and the Eyeman initiative have drastically eaten away at the revenue side of the fire department ledger with the real possibility of increased fire/disaster insurance rates for citizens and businesses alike. We need this levy to achieve and maintain the well-oiled machine our islands deserve.”

Come to the Town Hall Meeting on Oct. 17. Bring your questions and comments. This is the most important measure on our November ballot.