June proclaimed Pride Month in Friday Harbor

Submitted by the Town of Friday Harbor

On the third day of June, Mayor Ray Jackson proclaimed June 2024 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month in the Town of Friday Harbor. The proclamation in its entirety reads:

Whereas, June is designated as pride month across the nation to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, a time generally recognized as beginning of the modern LGBTQIA Rights Movement; and

Whereas, all people regardless of age, gender identity, race, color, religion, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical challenges have the right to be treated on the basis of their intrinsic value as human beings; and

Whereas, despite their extraordinary progress for basic civil and human rights, LGBTQ+ Americans still face discrimination simply for being who they are; and

Whereas, the Town is committed to protecting the most vulnerable among us and supporting visibility, dignity, and equality for all people in our community, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression; and

Whereas, the Town welcomes and celebrates the history and diversity of Friday Harbor’s LGBTQ+ community;


Therefore, I, Raymont C. Jackson, by the authority vested in me as Mayor of Friday

Harbor, do hereby proclaim June 2024 in the Town as

LGBTQ+ Pride Month

Furthermore, I encourage all citizens to reflect on this important time in our Nation’s history, eliminate prejudice anywhere it exists, respect the rights of all people, and celebrate the great diversity of our Town.