Could the people of Iran and the U.S. really be all that different?
You can find out the answer to that question and gain a fresh perspective on the name-calling and saber-rattling tensions between the countries known to one another as the “Great Satan’ and the “Axis of Evil” as part of a slide-show presentation and talk by San Juan Island’s Judy Chovan.
Entitled, Iran: The Other Side of the Story, the presentation is Tuesday, Feb. 12, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Mullis Center.
Following in the footsteps of Alexander the Great, Nicholas Kristof and Rick Steves, Chovan traveled to Iran in November, visiting some of the 2,542-year-old country’s historic sites and renown cities, such as Tehran, Isfahan and Shiraz. She spoke with many Iranians during her travels and returned home with numerous photographs of blue-tiled mosques, ancient cities and modern-day fashionistas, and the American Embassy and the Shah’s palace as well.