San Juan County Public Hospital District commissioners are scheduled Dec. 15 to discuss appointing a successor to Randi Dooley Park, who resigned from the commission Nov. 17.
Her resignation is effective Dec. 31.
Dooley Park, a nursing administrator, lives on the island but works on the mainland, making it difficult for her to attend meetings. She has participated in several meetings by speaker phone.
Hospital district commissioners serve six-year terms and receive $104 a meeting. Dooley Park’s term ends in 2013.
The hospital district commission meets at 5 p.m. in the Frank Wilson EMS Building Conference Room, 540 Spring St., Friday Harbor. Meetings are open to the public.
Also on the agenda: EMS/Dispatch agreement for 2011, operations reports, physician update, update on Peace Island Medical Center, and a discussion on “going paperless in 2011.”
The hospital district is accepting letters of interest for the commissioner vacancy. The letters should be submitted to the board by mail, P.O. Box 2178, Friday Harbor, WA. 98250 or dropped off at Inter Island Medical Center on Spring Street in care of Beth Williams Geiger, administrator. Submission deadline is Jan. 5. The board plans to select a new commissioner at the Jan. 19 meeting.
According to the county Elections Office, the appointed commissioner will have to run in the November 2011 election in order to serve out the remainder of the term.