A major construction project at the Friday Harbor Airport began Monday.
The contractor, Colvico, will work during a series of night closures of the runway allowing the work to proceed without interrupting airport operations. The airport closures are scheduled to begin 9 p.m.. to 7 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 2 and continue four nights each week for approximately one month.
No regular landings or takeoffs will be allowed during this time. However, the air ambulance will continue to operate at night throughout the construction period.
The construction project includes replacement of the runway edge lights and other navigation aids with LED lighting technology. The new fixtures have only recently been certified for use by the FAA. The Port of Friday Harbor is taking the opportunity to also replace exterior hangar lighting and parking lot lighting with the same low-energy technology as a cost savings and energy conservation measure. The taxiway lights were replaced with LED fixtures in 2012.
A second phase of construction will begin later in September with work on the grading and drainage systems at the south end of the runway. Paint markings on the runway, taxiway and tie down areas will complete this year’s projects.
The total cost of construction is $1,609,850, with the FAA providing $1,461,660 in Airport Improvement Funds, and the Washington State Department of Transportation providing $74,067.