San Juan Island Emergency Medical Services will be conducting an emergency medical technician (EMT) course beginning Sept. 2.
Classes will be held each Wednesday night and all day Saturday through February, 2016. This opportunity is only offered every two to three years.
Full-time residents of San Juan Island interested in the class are invited to investigate this opportunity at, where detailed information and the necessary paperwork can be accessed. Applications are available only online and must be completed, and turned in at the EMS Building, 1079 Spring Street, by 4 p.m., June 29.
San Juan Island EMS and MedEvac is a service of the San Juan County PHD No. 1 and operates the nationally accredited critical care 9-1-1 response and transport agencies of San Juan Island EMS and Island Air Ambulance. Questions? Contact Weyshawn Koons or Cady Davies, 360 378-5152.