The Citizens Salary Commission will have a special meeting Friday, 10 a.m., to reconsider the commission’s actions at its May 20 meeting regarding the sheriff’s compensation and any other matter that may come before the commission.
The meeting will be held in the Council Hearing Room of the Legislative Building, 55 Second St. The meeting is open to the public. The commission must have a quorum of six of the 10 members attending in order to have the meeting.
The commission voted May 20 to cut the sheriff’s annual salary by $10,000, and to increase the prosecutor’s annual salary by $5,000. Commission Chairman Michael Roger called a special meeting for Friday after learning that, according to state law, salaries for elected officials cannot be reduced within 30 days of the end of the filing period for the next election.
The sheriff’s position is on the Aug. 17 primary ballot. The candidate filing period ends June 11. Three candidates announced their candidacies for sheriff before the salary commission voted to cut the pay for the position.
The sheriff is paid $97,514 a year and manages a staff of 36 full-time employees and a budget of $2.3 million.