Burn Ban on recreational fires in San Juan County

Submitted by the San Juan County Fire Marshal.

The San Juan County Fire Marshal has declared a ban on all recreational fires effective at noon on Aug. 14. Due to current atmospheric and field conditions, this ban on all recreational fires applies throughout San Juan County. Today is the first day with no reported dew in the morning since our last rain; however, relative humidity remains in the upper levels. All of western Washington is under excessive heat as advertised by the National Weather Service.

The following operations are prohibited during the burn ban:

No recreational campfires using charcoal or firewood

No outdoor cooking fires involving charcoal or firewood, pellet grills are approved

No tiki torches or similar product with an open flame fueled by oil

The following operations are allowed with best practices followed:

Mowing is limited to no later than Noon 12PM, all mowing operations need to cease after 12PM.

Maintain awareness for rock strikes; avoid mowing dry dead grass

Propane fueled appliances i.e. BBQ, outdoor fireplace

Have water and/or a fire extinguisher available

Grinding/Welding/Torch Cutting outdoors

By permit only through the Fire Marshal’s Office

Outdoor shooting

Backstop must be clear of vegetation

Next stages:

If a RED FLAG WARNING is issued for San Juan County, all operations listed above are prohibited until the RED FLAG WARNING is over.

This declaration is in effect until atmospheric and field conditions no longer pose the threat of wildfire.

Any questions about this declaration should be submitted to Fire Marshal Chad Kimple at (360)378-3473, or email at firemarshal@sanjuanco.com.

Contact: Chad Kimple, San Juan County Fire Marshal, 360-378-3473, firemarshal@sanjuanco.com