Copies of the first printing went like, well, like gangbusters.
Not to worry, though. It’s back by popular demand.
Copies of the local literary hit, “Fishermen and Fisheries of the San Juan Islands: Those Were the Good Ole’ Days”, will be available for purchase Jan. 18 at Roy’s Drive-Thru and Deli.
Bellingham’s Karen Jackson, relative of co-author Terry Jackson, will be at Roy’s between 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. with copies of the book for sale. Jackson said interest in the book has exceeded all expectations and she’s received a flood of inquiries since the publication first began circulating around the island.
Jackson noted that only a limited number of copies will be available — it’s self-published — during the mid-day offering at Roy’s, and that she must catch a ferry later in the afternoon to get back home.
Roy’s Drive-Thru and Deli is located at the intersection of Nichols and A streets, in Friday Harbor.
— Scott Rasmussen