Women United for Positive Local Change: San Juan Island Women’s Fund achieves remarkable milestone

Submitted by the San Juan Island Women’s Fund

The San Juan Island Women’s Fund, a dedicated pooled donor-advised fund under the stewardship of the San Juan Island Community Foundation, continues to transform our community. Through their unwavering commitment, the Women’s Fund members have significantly supported local nonprofits, driving vital projects that enrich and uplift our island.

Since its inception in 2003, the Women’s Fund has awarded over $330,000 in grants, including $141,000 for Education, $110,000 for Health and Human Services, $56,000 for Environment and Animal Welfare, and $24,000 for Visual and Performing Arts.

This year the Women’s Fund proudly joins the SJI Cares campaign at the San Juan County Fair. As part of this event, they will launch their Summer Membership Drive, aiming to raise $5,000. The first $1,000 in donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the SJICF, doubling the impact of early contributions.

To qualify for matching funds, donations must be made during the four days of the 2024 County Fair, from Aug. 15 to 18. Contributions can be made in several convenient ways:

– In person at the SJICF fair booth

– Online at sjicares.org

– By phone to SJICF at 360-378-1001

– By mail to P.O. Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (ensure checks are dated between Aug. 15-18, with “Women’s Fund” in the memo line)

A minimum contribution of $100 per year secures a voting membership, empowering members to have a voice in the fund’s decisions.

For more information about the San Juan Island Women’s Fund, visit www.sjiwomensfund.org or meet with a Women’s Fund member at the SJICF booth on Saturday, Aug. 17, from 4 p.m.to 5:30 p.m..

Join us — women uniting for positive local change — and make a difference in our island community!