Griffin Bay Bookstore and the San Juan Island Library host Penny Harrison, editor of “Open Spaces,” Saturday, Oct. 22, 2 — 4 p.m. at Griffin Bay Bookstore.
“Open Spaces: Voices from the Pacific Northwest,” is an anthology of topics ranging from nature, to culture, to literature and public policy.
Harrison will provide insight into the anthology’s lineup of 30 writers from the Pacific Northwest, sign copies, and talk about the magazine, Open Spaces.
The writers in this new anthology — poets, novelists, essayists — collectively apply their expertise and talent to provide an intelligent and informed context through which to see public issues and make sense of the changes that continue to shape the region and our world. Individually, they reflect the spirit of the Northwest.
Individually, they touch on our deepest sense of human experience and continuity and reflect the spirit of the Northwest.
Writer Molly Gloss author of “The Hearts of Horses” and “The Jump-Off Creek” said, “Writers with deep roots in this place are gathered here to tell us old stories of the land that has shaped our character. Open Spaces is a gift.”
For more info, call 378-5511.