Trains, planes and even flushing toilets

Williams, known as the noiseguy, comes to Friday Harbor Elementary School, Aug. 3, 1:30 — 2:30 p.m. as part of the Summer Reading Program, which inspires kids to keep reading even on a break from school.

If Charlie Williams is even  half as funny as his whimsical website then his upcoming performance should, at the very least, bring a smile to your face.

The website includes a jungle with purple elephants, a racetrack, which zooms around William’s head and a wild storm cloud all with sound effects that come straight from William’s mouth.

Williams, known as the noiseguy, comes to Friday Harbor Elementary School, Aug. 3, 1:30 — 2:30 p.m. as part of the Summer Reading Program, which inspires kids to keep reading even on a break from school.

Williams is an author, sound impressionist and kids comedian.

His repertoire of noises includes trains, planes, automobiles, monster trucks, dinosaurs and even flushing toilets.

In fact, he is the author and illustrator of “Flush! An Ode to Toilets,” which covers the sounds of different toilets.

Williams comes to San Juan to discuss a few more serious issues like the importance of humor as a life skill.

Parents are invited to get in touch with their inner, noisy child.

Everyone will learn to make some noise impressions.

Williams is from Issaquah, Wash. and has worked as a DJ, cartoonist, a children’s librarian and a dishwasher.

To get a look at William’s comic style visit his website at