Survivor of Ecuadorian massacre to speak

Submitted by the Orcas Island Seventh Day Adventist Church

On January 8, 1956, the world was captivated by the story of five young interdenominational missionary men who were killed in the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador, by an isolated, violent, indigenous tribe of natives known as the Auca, leaving behind five widows and several young children.

Countless young men and women around the world were motivated, by this event, to dedicate their lives to missionary and relief organizations.

One of those killed, Steve McCully, was survived by son Ed McCully, who was four years old at the time of the tragedy. He, along with his two brothers and mother, stayed in Ecuador until he was 10 years old. Since then, Steve has returned several times to Ecuador to visit friends and members of the tribe who killed his father.

Steve will be speaking about the event at the Orcas Adventist Fellowship on Saturday, May 11, at 11 a.m. A lunch will follow where all will be able to meet and visit Steve.

He will speak more about the event, and the redemption and forgiveness as shown in the documentary film, “The End of the Spear.”

The church is located at 107 Enchanted Forest Road in Eastsound. All are welcome.