Soroptimist announces Amazing fundraiser

Submitted by Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor.

The Soroptimists International of Friday Harbor are working diligently, organizing their annual fundraiser, A-May-Zing, which will be held on Sunday, May 18 at 5 p.m. at Roche Harbor Resort Pavilion. An A-May-Zing evening is planned, beginning with a fabulous cocktail hour on the patio with appetizers, music and specifically curated silent auction items. There will be an elegant dinner freshly prepared by renowned Chef Bill Shaw with vegan and vegetarian options available, live entertainment, a live auction, testimonials and a surprise game with a prize of a $200 gift certificate to Duck Soup. Soroptimists are inviting the community to join in for this fun event and to support our programs and mission, which includes scholarships, food security issues, cancer treatment transportation for all islanders and emergency support for women and girls. They are excited about this upscale event and the continuation of our A-May-Zing local programs supporting local residents. Tickets will go on sale March 15 at