Rachel Sorensen and Galen Boydston were married Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in an outdoor wedding on Waldron Island, at the home of the groom’s aunt, Thea Patten.
Rachel is the daughter of Don Sorensen and Sara Smith of Tacoma. Galen is the son of Tom Boydston and Suki Patten Boydston of Friday Harbor.
The wedding was attended by the couple’s families, much of the Waldron community, and a few dozen of their friends.
The newlyweds first met at Evergreen State College, where they were captains of the women’s and men’s rowing crew teams, respectively.
A 2010 graduate of Evergreen, Boydston works as a forestry technician and arborist-in-training for Orcas Island-based Rain Shadow Forestry Consultants. Sorenson, who last year studied abroad in India, doing volunteer work in an orphanage and kindergarten, accepted Boydston’s proposal of marriage and engagement ring while the two were on a hike in the Himalayas, at 10,000 feet.
The couple will reside in Deer Harbor, but this fall Rachel will commute half the week to Tacoma, where she is lead teacher for the preschool/kindergarten class at the Tacoma Waldorf School, which she attended in her youth.