Submitted by event organizers.
Free vegetable, herb and flower seeds, bring some to share if you have them. March 19, from 2-4 p.m. at the Grange.
“Seed-Saving for the Home Gardener” will be presented from 2-2:30 p.m.
Eliza Habegger, who manages the Salish Seeds Project for the San Juan County Land Bank, will cover the basics of harvesting, drying, and storing seeds at home. She’ll bring seed to share from her own home garden: heirloom “McNaught” or “Waldron” kale, and the wonderful native wildflower sea-blush.
What to Bring:
Yourself: seeds to exchange are not required.
Seeds: Excess-bought seeds, seeds saved from previous years, vegetable, herb and flower seeds, open-pollinated or hybrid.
Please label with as much of the following as you can: common name, variety, year seeds were collected, where seed was grown and by whom, any extra information you want to include.
Envelopes: to take your seeds home.
Bring friends,
Bring seeds,
Go home with friend’s seeds!