Staff report
Check out the following San Juan Island events to see what’s happening on the island through July 23. To view or add more calendar items, visit
Through Aug. 11
Friday Harbor quilt walk, during business hours, Friday Harbor, free. Fourteen establishments feature 21 quilts made by SJ islanders. Inspired by the museum of art’s “Conversations With Gee’s Bend.” Info,
Thursdays through Sundays through Aug. 12
Island Stage Left presents “The Tempest,” 8 p.m., 1062 Wold Road, free. The play centers around a duke, Prospero, who is betrayed by his brother, and left stranded on an island with his daughter Miranda, a servant-spirit Arial, and Caliban, a monster-slave. Info,
Saturdays through Aug. 25
San Juan Island National Historical Park historical reenactments, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., American and English Camps, free. Events include blacksmithing, cooking, and wood carving throughout the grounds. Info,
Through Aug. 27
“Viva Cuba!” art show, 1-4 p.m. on Fridays and 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays, SJ Community Theatre lobby, free. The show features 26 photographers and 52 photographs depicting the people and places of Cuba. Info, or 206-498-1626.
Saturdays through Sept. 1
Music in the Park, 3-5 p.m., Port of Friday Harbor, free. Concert series at the harbor. Info,
Saturdays and Sundays through Sept. 2
San Juan Island National Historical Park geology hikes, 9-11 a.m., Saturdays and 3:30-5 p.m., Sundays, Young Hill near English Camp and Mount Finlayson near American Camp. These hikes will focus on the geology of the San Juan Islands over the last 230 million years.
Through Sept. 3
“Quilts of Gee’s Bend,” SJI Museum of Art. Artists express their own dialogue with quilts made in the isolated, rural community of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. Info,
Driving access to the top of Mount Grant is open, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., free. Info,
Saturdays through October
San Juan Island Farmers Market, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Brickworks, free. Produce, meat, eggs, cheese, baked goods, flowers, jewelry and more. Info,
Friday, July 20
Get Familiar with Android Smartphones or Tablets, 2-4 p.m., SJI Library meeting room, free. Learn the basics of using Android devices. Register at the library and pick up a checklist. Info,
Animal Protection Society’s “Take a Seat for Animals – A Wine Tasting and Painted Chair Auction,” 6-9 p.m., Brickworks, $35 in advance or $40 at the door. Unique chairs, designed by island artists, will be auctioned and attendees can enjoy a wine tasting featuring Maryhill Winery. Info,
Canoe Journeys, varying times, English Camp, San Juan Island National Historical Park, free. Tribal members from British Columbia will arrive on San Juan Island ocean-going canoes as part of the tribal canoe journey “Power Paddle to Puyallup.”
Friday, July 20- Saturday, July 21
San Juan Community Theatre Summer Festival, varying times, San Juan Community Theatre, free. Enjoy a kids sleepover, open house and workshops. Info,
Friday, July 21
Contra dance, 7-9 p.m., SJI Grange, $10 donation at the door or $5 for students. Info, 360-378-6632.
American Legion Post 163 membership drive and open house, 3-6 p.m., 110 First St., $15 for food. The event includes a pig roast, games and guided American Legion museum tours. Info, 360-378-5705.
Saturday, July 21-Sunday, July 22
The 17th Annual San Juan Island Lavender Festival, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m., Pelindaba Lavender Farm at 45 Hawthorne Lane in Friday Harbor. Tour the entire process – from the field to finished product. Info, Also, paint a tote bag with the SJI Museum of Art. Info,
Monday, July 23
National Theatre Live: “Macbeth,” 7 p.m., SJ Community Theatre, $20 adults; $10 students; $18 members at the door. Info, or 360-378-3210.